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Aligning parts of equations

From: Larry Moss
Subject: Aligning parts of equations
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 22:11:29 -0500 (EST)

I've been using lout for some time.  Usually the equations I've needed to
write have been fairly elaborate but I've had few difficulties in
accomplishing what I want.  Now I have something very simple I want to
produce and I'm at a loss as to how.  I'm sure I'm missing a nice clean
solution, and I hope it doesn't occur to me as soon as I send this.  So
far looking through the manual and Eq package hasn't helped.

What is the cleanest approach that someone can suggest for writing
something like:

    - def

I can almost accomplish that with:

         @Eq { { {abc} rabove {- def} } over { ghi } }

but that won't properly align the bottom line.

I can certainly get what I want with tables, but it seems like I should
be able to do this as an equation.

Larry Moss              address@hidden           http://www.pobox.com/~moss/
magician, juggler, airigamist, programmer, future elementary school teacher,
        author of "Twisting History - Lessons in Balloon Sculpting"

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