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lynx-dev Re: [-dev.12] experimental text entry fields patch (updated)

From: Kim DeVaughn
Subject: lynx-dev Re: [-dev.12] experimental text entry fields patch (updated)
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 17:15:56 -0800

On Sun, Jan 10, 1999, Leonid Pauzner (address@hidden) said:
| > That's exactly what I'd like to ultimately see, too.  At this point
| > though, I don't know either the lynx code, nor html well enough to try
| > and suck the edited text back into the lynx structures, in the proper
| > format.  Hopefully I will, after a bit more work, or "someone else" will
| > pick up the ball, and do that, if I'm not able to.
| > Even so, it still seems like there'll be a problem with backup files~
| > left laying around, since if you decide to externally edit a text field
| > that *already* has some text in it, that text will need to be transfered
| > to a file before the editor is invoked, and then upon exiting the editor,
| > both the newly edited text file, and its backup~ will exist (independently
| > of whether the new text gets rendered into the lynx data structs, or not).
| I wonder why you discuss backup/tempfile problem here,

I dunno ... probably just because it was still on my mind, at the time.

| IMHO it should be done by expanding an editor like in the "mailto:"; case,
| we need an equivalent of  print_wwwfile_to_fd() from GridText.c,
| something like  print_current_textarea_to_fd()
| and  restore_current_textarea_from_fd()

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "expanding an editor".  Do you
mean the query/function where lynx asks about including the text of the
page in the edit buffer, or what?

| Do you mean "backup" for original textarea content from HTTP server?
| When user decide s/he lost an original content too much
| we can suggest to reload the document with CTRL-R.

No ... hadn't really thought about having a "revert to original content"
capability, though that is something to consider doing, I suppose.


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