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[Pan-users] Re: Mangled address when sending mail

From: Beartooth
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Mangled address when sending mail
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 11:41:22 -0400
User-agent: Pan/ (As She Crawled Across the Table)

On Wed, 23 Aug 2006 09:03:03 +0000, Duncan wrote:

> Beartooth <address@hidden> posted
> address@hidden,
> excerpted below, on  Tue, 22 Aug 2006 14:57:41 -0400:
> Your issue would be an entirely different bug than that of this thread
> (to this point), however, as the bug of this thread happens between pan
> and sylpheed when pan hands it off to the mailer to be sent.  Since your
> version of pan doesn't hand it off but handles mailing on its own, the
> bug couldn't occur, so your bug must be different.

OK, I understand that much. Thanks!

> I'd suggest you start a new thread.  Include the infiniteink info you
> mentioned here, and I'll try to take a look.  Please also include the
> date/time info for the posts, and message-id headers too (an estimate of
> how many messages back it'll be, 100, 1000, 10000, order of magnitude
> anyway, would be useful as well). As you are no doubt aware, gmane
> archives lists so they'll have posts going back to whenever they started
> carrying that list, which could be years and tens of thousands of
> messages, if I loaded it all.

Somewhere in the middle there, I get lost. I can revise my last post a
little, and put it up afresh, certainly. And it should be easy enough to
check the dates & times, and add those. But once you start talking
headers, you get beyond my competence.

Otoh, all the experience I've had -- of whatever bug it is -- comprises
those infiniteink posts. It was new and strange to me then, and has not
recurred. (Note that when the problem arose, N McG's advice was to sign up
for her email list and post that way, *instead* of via gmane. I did. So my
posts since the one or two days of problems have been innocent of Pan till
they arrive on gmane for it to read; composing in Pan no longer happens in
that group -- nor has the bug surfaced in any other, ever to this good
day. It *may* be ephemeral.)

Beartooth Staffwright, Wordcrafty Squirreler
FC5; Pine 4.64, Pan; Privoxy 3.0.3; CXO 5.0.1
Dillo 0.8.5, Opera 9.0, Firefox 1.5, Galeon 2.0.1
Remember I have little idea what I am talking about.

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