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Re: [Protux-devel] autostuff stuff

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] autostuff stuff
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 18:40:07 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

> alsa-version. (futhermore, the current test doesn't check for
> alsa-includes, that means the alsa-dev-package)

it should be checking it, because only alsa libs is not enought for protux 

> 2) autostuff in Protux:
> -----------------------
> The checks for mustuxlib are done as follow:
>       AC_CHECK_HEADERS(mustux.h)
>       AC_CHECK_LIB(mustux,MustuxApplication)
> the problem is that they don't give any error message (beside a 'no') if
> they fail, and don't stop. As mustux is required, they should exit with a
> AC_MSG_ERROR() if they fail... The other problem is that they both fail for
> me, even if mustux is installed and protux compiles fine... so this problem
> should be fixed first, before making ./configure exit if mustux isn't
> installed ;-)
> A suggestion: lots of library (as for example glib) come with a xxx-config
> program, as well as with their xxx.m4 macro to simplify testing the
> presence of the library. So it would be great to add a mustux-config
> program and a mustux.m4 script providing a AM_PATH_MUSTUX(minimum_version,
> action_found, action_fail) macro... (usually these xxx-config programs have
> the following options:

wow, this is beyond my skills, but if I understood, shouldnt it be done by the 
./configure process ?
I mean, when I run configure for protux, shouldnt it say something like "your 
libmustux is out-of-date for this protux release..."  OSLT ?


> Usage: glib-config [OPTIONS] [LIBRARIES]
> Options:
>         [--prefix[=DIR]]
>         [--exec-prefix[=DIR]]
>         [--version]
>         [--libs]
>         [--cflags]
> Libraries:
>         glib
>         gmodule
>         gthread
> )
> 3) autostuff and admin/stuff:
> -----------------------------
> The biggest problem seems to be that autostuff and QT don't like each other
> too much :-/ (especially the moc step required to build qt-apps)
> For what i understood 'till now, the make -f admin/Makefile.common step
> does basically the following: - run aclocal
>  - run autoheader
>  - run autoconf
>  - run automake
>  - changes the file to add the moc-rules and dependencies.
> I don't know a solution how to get rid of this last step, and thus get rid
> of the whole make -f admin/Makefile.common step (i mean to include the
> moc-rules and dependencies directly into The only project i
> found which uses qt without kde (and without this additional build step) is
> the SoQT widget from the coin3d project, i will try to investigate how they
> solved the problem.
> all this autotools seems to be really great, but there is still so much
> i'll have to learn about them ;-)
> Martin

Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer - Free Software 
Project Protux : Free Professional Audio Tools for GNU/Linux
-- Once Palladium is up and running , I will become a hacker --

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