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Re: [Qemu-devel] vmmouse

From: François Revol
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] vmmouse
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 22:56:35 +0100 CET

> >Perhaps this is a separate issue, but when I "usb_add tablet" the
> mouse cursor
> >becomes constrained to the upper left corner of the guests' screen.

Oddly it's the same symptoms as in Haiku with the wacom emulation...

In the wacom code coordinates are scaled to [0:INT16_MAX] which is
wrong, the PenPartner model it's emulating has max X of like 5040, and
max Y of 3780.

Though the tablet emulation in usb-hid.c does publish an HID report
desc with X and Y max as 0x7fff, so it should work, unless the windows
hid driver is actually ignoring those maximum values and just using
them unscaled, in which case it'd actually stay near 0,0 as it does...

You can try applying my wacom patch:

and use -usb wacom

and see if it works for you. Not sure if windows has a wacom driver by
default though...

Btw, I still didn't have any comment on that wacom diff...


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