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Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: Java pages: project on savannah

From: arenn
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: Java pages: project on savannah
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 21:34:56 -0500

Nic Ferrier (address@hidden) wrote:
> >I am the coordinator of the GNU eval team, we have 
> >interacted a little bit with the gnu-java people, I forwarded 
> >them the outline we use to review software, 
> gnu-java seems to perform a different evaluation function from the
> eval team, it selects packages and programs that get listed on the GNU
> java page.
> This seems to be historical, I think the GNU project initially
> thought of Java as a usefull, script like language and not a practical
> language for code in the GNU project. I don't think any of us think
> like that anymore.
Well, as I said, gnu-java is me and me alone as far as I can see.
It is oriented towards determining whether or not a particular package
should be linked to on the GNU web site.  Honestly, most of the
packages out there aren't suitable for being distributed as official
GNU packages as almost everything is release or something.

In the future it might be nice to pull some of the more useful
library packages together into some sort of distribution.
> Personally, I see no reason why there is a different team doing java
> eval. It should be the same people evaluating projects shouldn't it?
> The eval team needs to have people with a range of skills including
> some who understand where java fits into the current GNU project.

As I said previously, I appear to be the only member of the mailing
list and I do a terrible job of keeping up.  I'd love nothing better
than to have volunteers to help out with evaluating packages,
maintaining web pages, and answering email wrt Java for GNU.
Aaron M. Renn (address@hidden)

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