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Re: [Savannah-help-public] Unknown response received from cvs server

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: [Savannah-help-public] Unknown response received from cvs server
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 22:39:38 GMT

    We are getting a very generic error when trying to checkout a specific 
    folder in CVS.

Is it still failing?  There was another (network) problem seemingly
around the same time.

    failed due to an internal error (took 0:03.338)
       Error: Unknown response received from cvs server: 

I don't recognize that error.  Are you just using the cmdline cvs client
on a Unix-ish system?

    This directory contains a large number of files (~1700) but none of them 
    are very large in size. Is there a limit on the number of files you can 

There is no hard limit, but this kind of setup is what CVS is least
efficient at.  It could be that a firewall between you and the server
is giving up.

You could try checking out some specific files, instead of the whole
directory, and see if that flies.

    Tried setting timeout value in my CVS client 
I've sometimes had to set ssh timeout values to stop things from timing
out.  As in:
ServerAliveInterval  30
ServerAliveCountMax  10
TCPKeepAlive yes

Sorry I don't have a better answer.


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