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[Simulavr-devel] Re: Simulavrxx

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] Re: Simulavrxx
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 08:03:44 +0200 (MEST)

Hi Oleg,

> There is a small project (build some device) that my friend (Artur) 
> makes, but he has some problem with atmel program. It seemes like stack 
> overflow,

like the actual discussions in avr-gcc-list :-)

> but we are unable to figure it out. Decision was made about a 
> week ago to try simulavrxx - try to make program that simulates external 
> world. As we do not use TCL or Python I started to update build process, 
> but Artur digs simulavrxx itself.

I could provide you a simple Makefile which compile and link all the
things you need whitout any external tools (g++ is required :-).
You also should find it on the list archive, because you are
not the first who ask for it.

> 1) Build process
> First I wanted to add some small changes, but it has come up with lot of 
> changes. I still cannot solve some build problems, but now Im able to 
> disable Tcl and Python.

see above

For any details about autotools related things, please wait for Bills

> 2) Simulavrxx itself
> a) Artur has found some bugs in USART classes and I'll write about them 
> later (see CVS web below)

Please use actual CVS tree, we have fixed some bugs a few weeks ago.

> b) As we don't need UserInterface, but USART is the same, so he made 
> SerialTxBasic class which holds transmission logic; SerialTx subclasses 
> it and connects with UserInterface.
> c) We are thinking about simulavrxx design and how it can be improved, 
> but not much to say yet. Were there any thoughts, Klaus?

If you could provide a design change which enables easier programming and!
faster execution, great! But speed and convinience are important for us :-)

> So, I don't know what do you think about these changes and if something 
> is OK, how patches can be made.

Simple send small!!!! diff files with a describing mail. We will look
inside and apply the patch or maybe not. For add on it is not
a problem if the add on fits into existing design and coding.
If you want to change actual design, please lets have a discussion about 
that first. 



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