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Re: Spamass-milter unable to bind onto network ports

From: Don Armstrong
Subject: Re: Spamass-milter unable to bind onto network ports
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:51:37 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Sun, 10 Nov 2013, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
> Today I turned of postfix chroot because RDNS_NONE results were
> pointless because postfix could not resolve IP address, and I decided
> to unchroot this.

Postfix should be able to resolve hostnames whether it is chrooted or
not. If it can't, something else is wrong.

> So, I thought I should be using tcp ports instead and with this in mind
> I commented all of its SOCKET* entries, and set the -p flag with:
>     -p 11783

If you want to use tcp sockets, you need to set
SOCKET="inet:address@hidden" or similar in /etc/default/spamass-milter,
as documented in /usr/share/doc/spamass-milter/README.Debian.
> Its error message was:
> Nov 10 23:35:24 lt spamass-milter[14244]: spamass-milter 0.3.1 starting
> Nov 10 23:35:24 lt spamass-milter[14244]: SpamAssassin: Unable to bind
> to port 11783: Permission denied
> Nov 10 23:35:24 lt spamass-milter[14244]: SpamAssassin: Unable to create
> listening socket on conn 11783
> Nov 10 23:35:24 lt spamass-milter[14244]: spamass-milter 0.3.1 exiting

The -p option controls how spamc connects to spamassassin; it doesn't
have anything to do with spamass-milter.

Don Armstrong            

There is no form of lead-poisoning which more rapidly and thoroughly
pervades the blood and bones and marrow than that which reaches the
young author through mental contact with type metal.
 -- Oliver Wendell Holmes (Tilton 1947 p67)

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