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Re: mousetrap (fwd)

From: Ginger Booth
Subject: Re: mousetrap (fwd)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 95 10:03:13 EDT

Forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 95 10:01:30 EDT
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: mousetrap
Cc: address@hidden
In-Reply-To: <address@hidden>; from "Rick Riolo" at Oct 26, 95 8:17 am
Status: RO


> ginger booth said (I think) she substitued floor for rint
> and got heatbugs, etc, to work on her hpux.

Yup.  I almost replaced rint with my own version, but screw it.  It
only happens one place, so it was easier to replace it with floor.
(And then someone (Nelson?) said it was always possible, so could have
done floor(x+0.5) and got a rint inline.)
FWIW, I was making my own subclass of Raster yesterday.  If you wish to
do the same, or muck about, it's Raster -setColorMap that sets the background
to black.  Raster.m is under support/tkobjc.  

> I'm more interested in knowing what moustrap is supposed to do
> and why moustrap doesn't do anything for me even though all
> the other apps seem to work.

Also FWIW, mousetrap doesn't work well for me, either.  On the control
menu, you can tell it to print all mousetrap events.  They all happen at time
zero, so it's not exactly fascinating.  But it does have the effect that it
dogs down processing so that you can clearly see that the pattern on the
display is different between time 0 and time 1, at which point it's over, but
still thinking furiously, perhaps because there's a zillion steps set into
the schedule from time 0 that don't manage to accomplish anything, if you see
what I mean.

Hope some of that helps.


            Ginger Booth, Center for Computational Ecology
                Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies

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