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Re: Heatbug related inquiries...

From: Ken Cline
Subject: Re: Heatbug related inquiries...
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 1997 18:09:55 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 1 Aug 1997 address@hidden wrote:

> Would it be possible to have another heatspace window, up showing
> another varible spatially (ie. unhappiness)?

Our first model had 4 views of the "world" for 4 separate
types of data (eg altitude, vegetation, risk, etc).  The
type of data determines which structure (eg discrete2d,
diffusion2d, etc.) you choose to hold the data.

> And how does the various gradations of red get displayed for the heat. 
> That is, how are various levels of heat actually drawn in the code?

   Red(x,y)   = Heat(x,y) / 512 + 0, Note: integer division
   Green(x,y) = 0
   Blue(x,y)  = 0

>From HeatbugObserverSwarm.m

  // Colours [0,64) are assigned to the range Red [0, 1), for heat display.
  for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
    [colormap setColor: i ToRed: (double)i / 63.0 Green: 0 Blue: 0];


  [heatDisplay setDisplayMappingM: 512 C: 0]; // turn [0,32768) -> [0,64)

Also see Value2dDisplay.

> PS.  Is it possible to add bugs to the simulation while it runs? (like
> they are reproducing?)

See "addHeatbug" method in HeatbugModelSwarm.

As far as "reproducing", were you interested in giving the
heatbugs a lifecycle?

The purpose of Heatbugs is to be more of a learning tool --
complex enough to showoff a modest number of Swarm's
features without adding a so much as to make it 
overwhelming. (I personally think it fills this role

There are several other models written by others that
include biological processes amoung other things.  Take a
look at some of the user links on the Swarm Community page.


PS: I don't have a lot of time right now so I had to make my
response rather short.  

All: Have a great weekend!

Ken Cline                             address@hidden
SAIC                                 VOICE (410) 571-0413
Annapolis, MD                          FAX (301) 261-8427

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