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new spaces contributed

From: Sven N. Thommesen
Subject: new spaces contributed
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 15:14:53 -0500

Hope everyone's having a great summer ...

I have just uploaded to /incoming a tarball containing the following 3 new
space objects (classes):

        XGrid2d -- adds to Grid2d methods which return lists of 
                objects and/or empty cells in a specified neighborhood
                around a given cell. Neighborhood shapes supported:
                        -Axes only (vonNeumann)
                        -Diagonals only
                        -Axes+Diagonals (Moore)
                        -Star (Moore, but diagonals shorter than axes)
                        -Box (square)
                        -Circle (approximated)

        MoGrid2d -- 'multiple occupancy' version of Grid2d. Every non-
                empty cell contains a List which may hold as many agents
                or objects as needed. Several methods support adding
                agents to and removing them from these lists.

        MoXGrid2d -- as you would expect, a combination of the other two.

Nothing sexy here, just some basic functionality. Please send me comments
and bug reports.

The objects have not been programmed for speed -- if you see ways to 
speed them up, please ping me.

Glen -- feel free to add these classes to whatever section of the web site
you feel appropriate, or to include them in the space library.

Sven Thommesen
Auburn University
School of Human Sciences

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