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Heatbug/Swarm style questions...

From: bleydorf
Subject: Heatbug/Swarm style questions...
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 18:17:26 -0400

First the straight-forward heatbug questions:
Why is findExtremeType needed?
What is the enumerated types "hot" and "cold" used for?
When actually running heatbugs, what is the "window" called
HeatbugObserverSwarm (with DisplayFrequency:  1
and a button called graphBug: on it) used for?  You can change the
values and hitting the button, just causes the computer to beep...

Now I started "attempting" to change the code today, and wanted to add a
way for happy bugs to reproduce, so at the end of step in heatbug.m I
if (unhappiness < 0.05) {
[Heatbug addHeatbug];
And then I tried may other attempts too numerated to list here.  None of
these worked...where should I have put that?  I was thinking that maybe
it needed to be put in heatbugModelSwarm in the buildActions method, but
I'm not sure.

And to ask a future question...I plan to create another window showing
each bugs unhappiness level as a color maybe Blue sortof like the
heatmap, but I plan to create it as a Discrete2d type instead of
Diffused2d type like the heatspace...Do you think I need to create a new
space "happyspace" modeled after "heatspace"?  Or is there another
better way to do this?


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