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Re: Segmentation Fault error...what causes it?

From: Theodore C. Belding
Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault error...what causes it?
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 18:01:23 -0400

At 3:56 PM -0400 8/20/97, address@hidden wrote:
>Can anyone suggest where I should look for the cause?  (what possible
>things cause "segmentation fault" errors)

Your program is messing around with memory (or objects) that it doesn't own
(or did but doesn't anymore).  It's playing with memory outside of its
"segment".  You can run the program under gdb and see exactly where it
crashes.  Look for pointers or object variables that have invalid values.

Ted Belding                               address@hidden
University of Michigan Program for the Study of Complex Systems

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