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Re: Problems on compiling swarm-1.0.3

From: Sven N. Thommesen
Subject: Re: Problems on compiling swarm-1.0.3
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 12:54:48 -0500

At 08:59 PM 9/27/97 +0100, you wrote:
>  I downloaded yesterday swarm-1.0.3 and tried to compile it under
>All the libraries were compile,d except random library.
>Here it it the result cof compilation
>gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1obj got fatal signal 4
>make: *** [C2LCGXgen.o] Error 1
>Does anyone know what this mean?
>Best Regards
>                                       ALEX


since nobody else jumped in I'll give it a shot: either we have a problem
with the random library itelf, or there's something about your OS that is
causing your trouble, or it's completely local to your system.

Since I wrote random, I prefer to eliminate the first possibility ;-) -- at
least until others report similar problems. In any case, the library
compiled fine for Glen and myself.

As for MachTen68k, I know zip about that -- perhaps Glen knows more. I
certainly cannot absolutely rule out the possibility that there might be a
problem with the sizes of numerical variables or somesuch thing. (Though I
don't know why this would cause your *compiler* to barf.)

However, following the Redhat and other linux lists it seems that Signal 4
and Signal 11 usually occur because of problems with the hardware you are
running on, most specifically bad memory. People usually get this kind of
error trying to recompile their kernels.

Perhaps you'd like to go into the /src/random directory and run 'make -k'
and see what happens. It is supposed to continue on with the next object
file whenever it encounters an error. Or, if you still get stuck in
C2LCGgen, edit the makefile and move that item to the end of the 'objects='
list and try to recompile again. Then let me know what happened.

Sven Thommesen

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