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NSelect working?

From: Rick Riolo
Subject: NSelect working?
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 17:59:33 -0500 (EST)

I tried to use the NSelect class (in simtools) as follows:
  initSwarm(argc, argv);
  bugList = [List create: globalZone];
  bugList1 = [List create: globalZone];
  // Use the NSelect object and see how that goes:
  printf("\nNSelect all the agents:\n");
  [NSelect select: [bugList getCount] from: bugList into: bugList1];
  for ( i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
          printf("-> Bug %d.\n", [[bugList atOffset: i] getID]);
  printf("\nAnd again NSelect:\n");

bugList has some objects added to it before the NSelect,
and bugList1 is empty.
WHen I run it I get this:
NSelect all the agents:
*** event raised for error: InvalidCombination
UniformDoubleDist: getDoubleSample: parameters have not been set
*** execution terminating due to error

Do I need to do something else to use NSelect?
Or is there a bug (!) in there somewhere?
(From the message it looks like NSelect is maybe not using 
the random lib stuff correctly...)

 - r

Rick Riolo                           address@hidden
Program for Study of Complex Systems (PSCS)
4068 Randall Lab                
University of Michigan         Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120
Phone: 313 763 3323                  Fax: 313 763 9267

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