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Re: BLT/Irix

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: BLT/Irix
Date: 28 Feb 1998 12:14:35 -0800

>>>>> "REB" == Robert E Bell <address@hidden> writes:

REB> I'm using TCL7.6p2 and TK4.2p2 (Marcus...what were you using?)

Same, just wanted to be sure.

REB> Btw, what are the minimums for swarm-1.0.5?

At least Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0/BLT 2.1 and Tcl 7.6/Tk 4.0/BLT 2.3, should
work.  (Incidentally, in the next release Tcl 8.0/Tk 8.0/BLT 8.0-unoff
will also work.)

REB> Also, I have always had difficulty compiling blt on irix for some
REB> reason (even back in beta days)...and blt has usually been the
REB> source for runtime errors on irix. 

Although pidArr is an int pointer, the cast in BLT 2.3 is to Tcl_Pid *
and Tcl_DetachPids though does take a int pointer (but it is harmless,
since it is a pointer anyway.

To investigate when WNOHANG isn't defined, I'd suggest using the -dD
option of GCC to show where preprocessor defines are made.  Here's the
surrounding context of what I get on my Irix 5.3 machine:

# 37 "/pkgs/sayre/common/src/blt2.3/src/bltBgexec.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/wait.h" 1 3
#define __SYS_WAIT_H__
#ident  "$Revision: 1.37 $"
typedef union wait      {
        int     w_status;                
        struct {
                unsigned int    w_Filler:16,     
        } w_T;
        struct {
                unsigned int    w_Filler:16,     
        } w_S;
} wait_t;
#define w_termsig       w_T.w_Termsig
#define w_coredump      w_T.w_Coredump
#define w_retcode       w_T.w_Retcode
#define w_stopval       w_S.w_Stopval
#define w_stopsig       w_S.w_Stopsig
#define _WAITCAST(w)    (*(union wait *)&(w))   
#define _W_INT(w)       (*(int *)&(w))  
#define _WSTOPPED       0177    
#define WNOHANG         0100    

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