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Re: Initializing objects with lisp

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: Initializing objects with lisp
Date: 11 Jun 1999 16:51:47 -0600

>>>>> "GR" == glen e p ropella <address@hidden> writes:

GR> Hidee Ho, For those of you wondering how to use Lisp to initialize
GR> your objects, I managed to initialize a Swarm just fine using the
GR> following:


You can also use the high-level `Archiver' interface to create objects
without having an intermediate createBegin/createEnd.  In fact the
intention of the design of the Lisp archiving feature is to use this
interface, and instantiate objects directly, rather than manually
creating an instance, and then `filling it in' using a direct `fopen'

The idea is that the user `names' the objects you want to create
and/or load from a parameter file with a key that is a string, and
also encodes both the name of the class and the values of the instance
variables.  The next release of both `mousetrap' and `heatbugs'
actually has this implemented by default, but you can experiment with
the following code, which will work with Swarm 1.4.1.

[Note: The ObjectLoader/ObjectSaver features, whilst still supported,
are now officially deprecated and may go away in the future, and
should *not* be used].

So, the Lisp input file `batch.scm' for `mousetrap' looks like:

 (cons 'batchSwarm
       (make-instance 'MousetrapBatchSwarm
                      #:loggingFrequency 1))
 (cons 'modelSwarm
       (make-instance 'MousetrapModelSwarm
                      #:gridSize 40
                      #:triggerLikelihood 1.0
                      #:numberOutputTriggers 4
                      #:maxTriggerDistance 4
                      #:maxTriggerTime 16
                      #:trapDensity 1.0)))

To instantiate a named object (say `batchSwarm'), you do the
following, in main.m:

 // create an instance of the Archiver to retrieve the file
 // set the path to `batch.scm'
 id archiver =  [[[[Archiver createBegin: globalZone]
                    setHDF5Flag: NO]
                   setPath: "batch.scm"]
 // retrieve the object from the archiver, if it can't be found
 // just create the default object; note that the call to the
 // archiver will actually *instantiate* the object if the
 // parameters are found in the Lisp file
 if ((theTopLevelSwarm = 
      [archiver getObject: "batchSwarm"]) == nil)
   raiseEvent(InvalidOperation, "Can't find Archiver or `batchSwarm' key");


 // the instance will respond to the normal buildObjects call, etc.
 [theTopLevelSwarm buildObjects];

Advantages of using the Lisp archiver over the Object{Loader,Saver}
method are: 

* it supports a fuller-set of instance variable types (i.e. more than
  int, char * and the few others that ObjectLoader currently does)

* handles the creation and saving of objects-within-objects (known as
  `deep' serialization)

* uses a standard Lisp-style syntax, based on the Scheme programming
  language (rather than the ad-hoc @begin/@end syntax) and is thus

In 2.0, this creation will be even more straightforward, with
convenience methods for creating the Archiver instances and a default
singleton `lispAppArchiver' (like the `probeLibrary' singleton), which
will expect a Lisp input file with name <appname>.scm.  So the
heatbugs example becomes even simpler:

Here's heatbugs.scm:

 (cons 'batchSwarm
       (make-instance 'HeatbugBatchSwarm
                      #:loggingFrequency 1
                      #:experimentDuration 200))
 (cons 'modelSwarm
       (make-instance 'HeatbugModelSwarm
                      #:numBugs 200
                      #:minIdealTemp 10000
                      #:maxIdealTemp 20000
                      #:minOutputHeat 10000
                      #:maxOutputHeat 20000 
                      #:randomMoveProbability 0.0)))

The corresponding `batchSwarm' instantiation is:

 // No graphics - make a batchmode swarm (using the key
 // `batchSwarm' from the default lispAppArchiver) and run it.
 if ((theTopLevelSwarm = [lispAppArchiver getWithZone: globalZone 
                                            object: "batchSwarm"]) == nil) 
                "Can't find the parameters to create batchSwarm");

 [theTopLevelSwarm buildObjects];

The `lispAppArchiver' will automatically search for the `heatbugs.scm'
file, parse it, and wait for requests to instantiate objects in the
specified Zone (just like you would normally pass a Zone in a
create:/createBegin: call).

[For HDF5-ers, there is a corresponding hdf5AppArchiver global
instance as well.]

  Alex Lancaster           |  e-mail: address@hidden
  Swarm Program            |     web: http://www.santafe.edu/~alex
  Santa Fe Institute       |     tel: +1-(505) 984-8800 (ext 242)

   Swarm-Support is for discussion of the technical details of the day
   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
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