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Re: swarm-2.2-pretest-2 problems

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: swarm-2.2-pretest-2 problems
Date: 27 Oct 2001 12:09:00 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "MM" == Mamei Marco (NRC/Boston) <address@hidden> writes:

MM> Almost all the simulations when I try to quit them with quit button,
MM> gives the following error: unable to register TclNotifier window
MM> class (I had the same problem with swarm-2.1.1)

Does it happen outside of JBuilder 5, e.g. from javaswarm in
Start/Programs/Swarm/terminal?  I don't have JBuilder 5 so I can't investgate
bugs that are specific to that IDE (or other IDEs).

MM> TestPixMap still desn't work

I accidentally sent you a modified version where someone else was
pointing out a crash they had witnessed.  If you move the setColormap call
above the first setWidth$Height and erase calls, it should work on Windows.
It does for me.

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