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Re: Java Swarm for non-Sys-Admin types

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: Java Swarm for non-Sys-Admin types
Date: 15 Aug 2002 17:49:59 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Abbott <address@hidden> writes:

Russ> I'd like to experiment with Java Swarm, but (sorry to sound
Russ> difficult) I don't want to get bogged down in lots of system
Russ> administration stuff.  Ideally, I'd like to install swarm with
Russ> as little muss and fuss as possible so that I will quickly be in
Russ> a position to do real Swarm experimentation by writing lots of
Russ> java code.  Also, I want to do this on a Windows machine.  (If
Russ> it matters, I'll probably use JBuilder for the Java code.)

Russ> Is this an unreasonable dream?  If not, I would greatly
Russ> appreciate it if someone would send me directions about how to
Russ> proceed. (Assume I know lots about Java but very little about
Russ> doing installations.)

Everybody (including "sysadmins") wants to install Swarm in the most
simple way possible, and that way is the same for "sysadmins" and
non-"sysadmins".  Check out Paul Johnson's FAQ for the goods:


It's pretty straightforward: install Cygwin, download some files and
set up some paths, just follow the instructions to the letter.  In
fact, most Swarm users are "non-sysadmins", and any extra commands
that are required to install are done so for necessity (it's not like
we add a bunch of "sysadmin-y" stuff for laughs).

If the FAQ seems overly complicated, well, sorry, but we don't
currently have the resources to maintain a point-and-clicky Cygwin
package (being a purely volunteer effort).  We would love to hear from
people interested in maintaining a package, or interested in providing
financial support to help us hire new programmers by joining the SDG
(email Paul Johnson address@hidden).

  Alex Lancaster           |  
  Swarm Development Group  |     web: http://www.swarm.org

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