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Re: [Swarm-Support] specifying Agent creation/actions through a .scm fil

From: Paul Johnson
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] specifying Agent creation/actions through a .scm file
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 10:00:10 -0500
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In Objective-C, I've used .scm files to introduce all kinds of info in a simulation. I recently was reworking the Arborgames model and introduced .scm files to store various values, maybe these will give you a hint. I'm not doing this in Java, but doubt that the issue is grossly different.


I've done "serialization" with .scm files in other projects. You can have agents save their state to files, and then you can restart the entire simulation at that point. I think I only have 2 more-or-less completely functional examples like that:

(That's the model described in Huckfeldt, Johnson, and Sprague, Political Disagreement, Cambridge University Press, 2004)

The most recent version, ASM-2.4, implements serialization in .scm files.

As far as I know, we now can save Swarm lists and Arrays, either shallow or deep, and there are also special methods to save C arrays of doubles or ints (Opinion model demonstrates)

Mervin Chan wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am using Java Swarm and I just want to know, is there is way to specify the number of agents to create and their actions in a .scm file?

Now, all my agents and their actions are created manually in buildobjects(); and buildActions() (FCall) respectively.

What i want to achieve is to define different characteristics for every agent i create. I have one type of agent but I want each agent i create to do a different action.

ie. There are one type of agent - Machine. A Machine agent has many possible actions.

I want to create N Machine agents. I want each Machine I create to do a different action throughout the simulation.

I am able to specify model parameters in the .scm file. But could the .scm file be further extended to define agent actions and agent creation?


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Paul E. Johnson                       email: address@hidden
Dept. of Political Science            http://lark.cc.ku.edu/~pauljohn
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