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Re: [Texmacs-dev] How to create a convertor like texmacs->verbatim

From: Michael Lachmann
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] How to create a convertor like texmacs->verbatim
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 15:54:13 +0200

I managed to do what I asked for, though it is a hack, and currently only works 
on a mac.

Attached is a perl script. It should be saved as convert_pb2R.pl somewhere in 
the path.

Then, add this to my-init-texmacs.scm:
(kbd-map ("R R ." (shell "convert_pb2R.pl")
          (clipboard-paste "primary")

What you can do then is select several input/output cells in an R session (or 
even several R sessions). Copy them.
Then go to the place you want to insert them (for example an empty input cell) 
and type "RR.". TeXmacs will insert only the R commands in the copied cells. 


On 27 Jul 2011, at 2:19AM, Michael Lachmann wrote:

> I am trying to make it easier to work with R in TeXmacs. What often happens 
> is that in an interactive session I type
> in many commands one after the other - each in its own input. at some point 
> everything works, and I'd like to just copy them all into a script, or maybe 
> into one multiline input.
> So, I'd like to be able to select text, and copy just the R part. That would 
> be parts between 
> <|input>
> and
> </input>


open(PB, "pbpaste|") ;

$in_section = 0 ;
$sec_name = "" ;
$section = "" ;

$clip = "" ;

while( <PB> ) {
  $line =~ s/\s*$// ;
  $line = $_ ;
#  print "line: $line |||\n" ;
  if( $line =~ s/[<][|]([^>]*)[>]// ) {
    $in_section = 1 ;
    $prev_section = $section ;
    $section = "" ;
  if( $line =~ s/[<]\/([^>]*)[>]// ) {
    $in_section = 0 ;
    if( $1 eq "input" ) {
      $clip .= $section ;
    if( $1 eq "unfolded-io" ) {
      $clip .= $prev_section ;
  if( $in_section == 1 ) {
    if( !($line =~ /^\s*$/ ) ) {
      $line =~ s/^  // ;
      $line =~ s/\\ / /g ;
      $section = $section .  $line."\n\n" ;

close(PB) ;

open(PB,"|pbcopy") ;
print PB $clip ;
close(PB) ;


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