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[Tlf-devel] Tlf scoring for Stew Perry - final version

From: Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS
Subject: [Tlf-devel] Tlf scoring for Stew Perry - final version
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 14:01:26 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hello OM's,

looks like I've finished the Stewperry branch, you can catch it
from here:

there is a zipped version:

What I've made today:

- check MYQRA paramter when Tlf starts
  if that's incorrect (only [A-R]{2}\d{2} format allowed), then
  Tlf exit immediatelly
- operator can't type invalid format as QRA (see above), eg if it
  types "AZ00", Tlf shows below the line a "locator?" field, and
  doesn't save the QSO
- put the rule/stewperry rulefile, it must to change the correct
  QRA, which you want to send as exchange

Please check it as you can, and if anybody has an idea, just let
me know.

Important note to Thomas: I calculated the distance based on
QRA's with two functions. In first step, tlf calls
locator2longlat() function, which gives back the coords of
station (longitude, latitide). Then called the qrb(), which
calculates really the distance.

The qrb() function has been implemented by Rein, but it looks
longitude and latitude values. The locator2longlat() has been
implemented in hamlib, I took it from there, and modified some
small lines to align it to Tlf. I put the boilerplate to source,
and placed the original hamlib copyright text too. Please take a
look over that, and if you find any inaccuracy, just write me.

I couldn't use hamlib functions, because hamlib also contains a
function named "qrb", and - in my opinion - the compiler can't
decide, which one to use. If you have any idea, how should I
resolve this, I'd appreciate your help.



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