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Re: [Aspell-user] trying to create a dictionary for latin and wordfiles

From: Lars Aronsson
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] trying to create a dictionary for latin and wordfiles
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 10:53:36 +0100 (CET)

address@hidden wrote:
> trying to generate a dictionary file, which is in latin (language
> code: la) i was trying
> aspell --lang=la create master ./latin < latin-spaceseperated.lst
> where latin-spaceseperated.lst is a file which holds latin
> vocabulary, space seperated.
> the list of words is from
> besides the above syntax doesn't work for me
> Error: The language "" is not known. This is probably becuase the
> file "/usr/local/share/aspell/la.dat" can not be opened for reading.


First, the convention is to use the full name of the language, i.e.
"latin", rather than the abbreviation "la".  You need to create the
file latin.dat, and specify a few parameters for this language.
Look at the other languages' .dat files under /usr/local/share/aspell/
and you will get the idea.  Reading the manual on
is also recommended.

In the file latin.dat, store at least these two lines:

name latin
charset iso8859-1

If you don't have permission to create files in that directory, you
can store your latin.dat in your current directory, and run aspell
like this:

  aspell --local-data-dir=./ --lang=latin create master <sourcefile

If you're into Latin, you should also take a look at the Latin

  Lars Aronsson (address@hidden)
  Aronsson Datateknik
  Teknikringen 1e, SE-583 30 Linuxköping, Sweden
  tel +46-70-7891609

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