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Re: [avr-gcc-list] RFC gcc multiple memory space implementation

From: Svein E. Seldal
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] RFC gcc multiple memory space implementation
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 20:56:15 +0200
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My suggestion on how the gcc compiler idealy should work, would look like this:

- Introduce a new attribute that you may assign to the type definitions of pointers (please note, its not a part of the data storeage, but the type of the variable):

        char __attribute__((__progmemptr__)) * cptr;    // **or**
        char pm * cptr;

How the attribute "pm" or "attribute..." is written is really irrelevant. We only need the feature in itself. Personally I like the first one best, because it fits GCC better IMHO.

        #define PM __attribute__((__progmemptr__))

Note that the attribute is a part of the type:

        char * dptr = cptr;   // Invalid; cptr is a code pointer

For avr-libc this will lead to:

        void puts(const char * str);
        void puts_P(const char PM * str);

        puts( cptr );    // Invalid; cptr is a code pointer
        puts_P( cptr );  // Valid

And finally:

        int temp;
        cptr = &temp;   // Fail, because temp is not located in flash

- Introduce native, automatic accesses to the memoryspaces based on the types of the accesses:

        int temp;
        temp = *ptr;   // LPM's the contents of code-adr PTR

One of the major issue concerning implementing this into gcc is the fact that gcc has no current mechanisms for setting attributes that are a part of the type. GCC has attributes for functions and for data storeages, but not for types.



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