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Re: [avrdude-dev] mcprog and libhidapi

From: Stefan Rupp
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] mcprog and libhidapi
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 02:40:24 +0100

Hi again,

so, how about that patch of mine that I linked to from my previous
mail? Anyone found the time for taking a look at it? Anything that
you'd like me to change before you consider integrating it into your
What's the best way to get this upstream? Would you like me to create a
bugreport and attach that patchfile to it?

Best regards

Am Mon, 29 Dec 2014 10:10:45 +0100
schrieb Joerg Wunsch <address@hidden>:

> As Stefan Rupp wrote:
> >The problem is that in Mac OS X, these days (and for quite some time
> >actually) it's not any more supported to detach HID devices from the
> >kernel driver, so libusb just can't grab them. As I wanted this to be
> >supported on all major platforms, I started looking around and came
> >across libhidapi[1].
> I stumbled across that as well for the CMSIS-DAP devices (JTAGICE3
> with current firmware, and Atmel-ICE).  They are also HID-based, and
> have the same trouble you are describing under OSX as well as under
> recent versions of Windows (tried on Windows 7).
> Since OpenOCD talks to the very same devices quite well using
> libhidapi, I already thought about using it here, too.  It's just I
> haven't come around so far to rewrite the code.
> >..., but I haven't found anyone willing
> >to compile avrdude for Windows yet, so that's untested so far :)
> I provide the Windows binaries as cross compilations (using the
> mingw32 GCC) done under FreeBSD.  I think you should be able to do
> this on OSX, too.  The only thing is that there are (to the best of my
> knowledge) no binary packages around for libelf and probably also
> libhidapi, so you have to compile them into the cross-compilation
> environment yourself manually.

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