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Re: RFC: c++: provide control over the stack.hh file name

From: Hans Åberg
Subject: Re: RFC: c++: provide control over the stack.hh file name
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 15:02:49 +0200

> On 28 Sep 2018, at 14:40, Frank Heckenbach <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hans Åberg wrote:
>>> FTR, Akim, I don't care much for deque either; I use it in some
>>> other places in my code where it makes sense, but I don't see a big
>>> point using it in Bison, like I said back then, so you can skip it
>>> for my sake, too.
>> Perhaps an agreement then!?
> An agreement to do nothing about it and bury the whole deque
> discussion, fine.

The deque has been up for discussion to and fro since the early millennium, but 
as Akim does not like it, now it seems permanently buried, until somebody 
actually needing it tunes in.

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