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bug#61667: 29.0.60; Failure to redisplay

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#61667: 29.0.60; Failure to redisplay
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 18:46:38 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.7.1

On 23/02/2023 15:58, Gregory Heytings wrote:

Can you perhaps try to go further back in time (Emacs 25, 26 and 27)?

27 and 26 -- reproduced.

Thanks!  So it looks like an old bug... but given that you did not see it until recently, it could very well be an underlying change in a library.

Looking at it now, it might have been the story of the boiling frog.

The most prominent case of this problem is when the display is not updated for a while, for 1-2 seconds or more. But the less apparent scenario is when the delay between the title bar update and the buffer display is on the order of 100-200ms. And I've probably been seeing this one for a while. Just chalked it up to disk latencies, or GC, or whatever.

if I manage to bisect my config to find something relevant, I will report back, of course.

That was the next thing I was about to suggest: try to bisect your config to produce a MRE.

Here's one repro:

emacs -Q --eval "(tool-bar-mode -1)" --eval "(menu-bar-mode -1)" --eval "(scroll-bar-mode -1)" --eval "(global-set-key \"a\" (lambda () (interactive) (find-file \"test.c\")))"

Where "test.c" is the name of a file in the current dir. Different files can work, but for some the repro doesn't happen, like those, apparently, which start with a paren (which makes show-paren-mode trigger its own redisplay).

So, to repro:

- Run the command above
- Press "a"
- Look for the delay between the title bar and the window updates

With the above 'emacs -Q' it's not as prominent as with my config, but it can reach what looks like 100-200ms. Once every 10 tries or so.

This particular scenario, however, I haven't been able to repro with Emacs 25 or 26 or 27. It does reproduce with Emacs 28 and 29.

The more complex one (starting with 'C-x b' and using ido-use-virtual-buffers) still reproduces with Emacs 26, though.

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