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bug#61667: 29.0.60; Failure to redisplay

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#61667: 29.0.60; Failure to redisplay
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 21:12:42 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.7.1

On 23/02/2023 19:10, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Here's one repro:

emacs -Q --eval "(tool-bar-mode -1)" --eval "(menu-bar-mode -1)" --eval
"(scroll-bar-mode -1)" --eval "(global-set-key \"a\" (lambda ()
(interactive) (find-file \"test.c\")))"

Where "test.c" is the name of a file in the current dir. Different files
can work, but for some the repro doesn't happen, like those, apparently,
which start with a paren (which makes show-paren-mode trigger its own

So, to repro:

- Run the command above
- Press "a"
- Look for the delay between the title bar and the window updates

With the above 'emacs -Q' it's not as prominent as with my config, but
it can reach what looks like 100-200ms. Once every 10 tries or so.
Isn't that the 100-ms delay we wait for the initial frame to finish
displaying, since that requires that we receive some messages from X?

Probably not: in this scenario I usually wait for the frame to finish resizing, rendering, etc, and for *scratch* to be displayed properly, and then I press 'a'.

But I might have misunderstood your question.

So I'm not sure this is the same problem.  Unless, that is, in the
"problematic" cases we somehow miss the message which we are waiting

It might be related if there are similar timeouts for subsequent redisplay operations.

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