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bug#62994: [PATCH 2/3] Add support for styled underlines on tty frames

From: Mohsin Kaleem
Subject: bug#62994: [PATCH 2/3] Add support for styled underlines on tty frames
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:43:07 +0100

Mohsin Kaleem <mohkale@kisara.moe> writes:

> Cool, doesn't seem to be in the Emacs repo but I'm guessing it's this
> [1]. I'll try to adapt to it.

I still don't get how to apply this to this repo Eli. You mentioned using
tabs and spaces but every lines aside from a nested expression starts
with 2 spaces. Some times there's 3 levels deep of expressions all
indented with spaces and then one tab width just wide enough at 8
characters to appear like it's indented with spaces atop the previous

Can I just do leading indent with tabs matching current indentation
level, curly braces 2 space ahead of the parent indent, and spaces ahead
of tabs to align a parenthesized expression or multi line condition with
the previous line?

Mohsin Kaleem

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