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Re: CERTI-Devel Digest, Vol 25, Issue 7

From: Jean-Yves E. Rousselot
Subject: Re: CERTI-Devel Digest, Vol 25, Issue 7
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:06:12 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060731)

Eric Noulard a écrit :
2008/1/27, Christian Stenzel <address@hidden>:

which is currently void but may be filled with such softwares.

"Contribution" may be ill-named since thoses softwares
may live without CERTI but putting those things near CERTI may
make them more easily downloadable for CERTI users?

If you are interested I may either do it myself or explain
you how to do it
(since every registered CERTI developer may use the download area).
Yes I would do that. Please explain me how to do that. I think that is the
right place for the software. So I do not have to set up a cvs server and
people interested in can easily get CERTI and the libraries too. Perhaps
there are also some volunteers helping me with the further development.

I suppose both sides, CERTI and our research group have advantages when
bringing the projects together.
is it perhaps possible to add both projects in your cvs certi tree,
e.g. like the tutorial (applications/HLA_Tutorial)? That would be very helpful.

I thinks it is possible and in fact would be the best way to go.

I'll check with others CERTI @ Savannah administrators and
I'll give you an answer at the beginning of the next week.

OK for me.

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