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Re: [Cfengine-develop] Development plan / meeting

From: Mark Burgess
Subject: Re: [Cfengine-develop] Development plan / meeting
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 09:20:20 +0100 (MET)

On  2 Mar, Luke A. Kanies wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Mar 2003, Hugo Gayosso wrote:
>> I think this is a very important issue, but on the other hand in
>> cfengine's web page it says:
>> "Cfengine is designed to be a part of a computer immune system,"
>> which implies that it is a building block, not a framework, so maybe
>> the goal of cfengine should be something like this:
>> "cfengine is designed to be the framework for a compute immune
>> system".
>> Which would imply that if we want to build a compute immune system we
>> will have cfengine as the framework and other tools will provide help,
>> let's say use 'tripwire' for file system security/integrity, 'snort'
>> for intrusion detection, etc.

WHAT??????  Why on earth would you consider using tripwire for anything?
It doesn't do anything that cfengine doesn't already do "better".


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