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[Chicken-users] INCLUDE with modules

From: Grzegorz Chrupała
Subject: [Chicken-users] INCLUDE with modules
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 21:40:58 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.3

Hi List,

I haven't used Chicken much yet so I'm likely to be just confused, but 
the following looks to me like a bug in Chicken's module system:

address@hidden chicken]$ cat foo.scm
(define foo 'FOO)
address@hidden chicken]$ cat bar.scm
(module bar
  (define (a) foo)
  (define b 41)
  (include "foo.scm"))
address@hidden chicken]$ rlwrap csi -hygienic

  ___| |    _)      |
 |     __ \  |  __| |  /  _ \ __ \
 |     | | | | (      <   __/ |   |
\____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_|  _|

Version 1, Build 51 - linux-unix-gnu-x86
(c)2000-2004 Felix L. Winkelmann
Using hygienic macros
; loading /usr/local/share/chicken/chicken-highlevel-macros.scm ...
#;> (load "bar")
; loading bar.scm ...
#;> (import bar)
#;> (a)
#;> b
Error: unbound variable: b
#;> foo

Unless I'm doing something wrong or misunderstanding something, it seems 
that identifiers defined within a module body via INCLUDE are exported 
even though they are not listed among exports.

Grzegorz Chrupała | | address@hidden
[M]y production vocabulary is very large, my style often swerves between
formality and slangy idiomatic usages within a single paragraph, and
many of my phrasings are subtle allusions to both classics and popular
                           -- Eric S. Raymond

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