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Re: java.awt status LGPL -> GPL?

From: Chris Gray
Subject: Re: java.awt status LGPL -> GPL?
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 17:42:21 +0100

(Following-up to my own post is a sign of what?)

Chris Gray wrote:

> Secondly, although I responded positively to Mark's suggestions regarding
> GPL-compatibility, it is still possible that our management would decide
> that
> protecting our trademark is more important, and that it is essential to have
> the
> trademark clause -in- the licence, not next to it.  IANAL, TINLA, etc..

O.K., I've hoofed it from desk to desk and Clause 4 is now gone.  The only
diff between our licence and revised BSD now is a request (-not- a requirement)

to submit any improvements or extensions and to grant ACUNIA NV the rights to
redistribute these changes.  So I guess we're now GPL compatible.


Chris Gray
VM Architect, ACUNIA

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