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[Classpathx-javamail] GNU JavaMail - HEAD compile error

From: Conrad T. Pino
Subject: [Classpathx-javamail] GNU JavaMail - HEAD compile error
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 12:54:09 -0800

Hello All,

GNU JavaMail 1.1.2 compiles with:

  GNU inetlib 1.1.1
  GNU JAF 1.1.1

however the HEAD revision does not (see messages below).

The problem is class "gnu.inet.util.LaconicFormatter" which
was never released in packaged form and is available only in
source form as the HEAD revision of "GNU inetlib" project.

My specific concern is staying within software components
available within the Debian package release system as over
time local package management becomes troublesome.

I propose to continue working with HEAD revisions but that's
only worthwhile if public release of the respective packages
is the end result.

If public releases are impractical at this time then working
against the "release_1_1_2" branch tag and merging into HEAD
seems more appropriate.

Comments, advice and alternatives are solicited.

Best regards,

Conrad Pino
javac  -classpath 
./source:/usr/share/java/activation.jar:/usr/share/java/inetlib.jar: -d classes
1. ERROR in source/gnu/mail/providers/smtp/ (at line 65)
        import gnu.inet.util.LaconicFormatter;
The import gnu.inet.util.LaconicFormatter cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in source/gnu/mail/providers/smtp/ (at line 157)
        connection = new SMTPConnection(host, port,
                                        connectionTimeout, timeout,
                                        tls, tm, false);

The constructor SMTPConnection(String, int, int, int, boolean, TrustManager, 
boolean) is undefined
3. WARNING in source/gnu/mail/providers/smtp/ (at line 162)
        Logger logger = connection.logger;
The static field SMTPConnection.logger should be accessed in a static way
4. ERROR in source/gnu/mail/providers/smtp/ (at line 164)
        Formatter formatter = new LaconicFormatter();
LaconicFormatter cannot be resolved to a type
5. ERROR in source/gnu/mail/providers/smtp/ (at line 171)
The method init() is undefined for the type SMTPConnection
5 problems (4 errors, 1 warning)make: *** 
[classes/gnu/mail/providers/smtp/SMTPTransport.class] Error 255

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