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Re: [Denemo-devel] Augmentation / Diminuation Prototype

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Augmentation / Diminuation Prototype
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 16:33:17 +0100

On Sun, 2009-07-19 at 14:53 +0200, Nils Gey wrote:
> This is my prototype script to augment or diminuate a note.
> (define newLyDuration (* (string->number (d-GetNoteDuration)) 2))
> (case newLyDuration
>   ((1)                (d-Change0))
>   ((2)                (d-Change1))
>   ((4)                (d-Change2))
>   ((8)                (d-Change3))
>   ((16)               (d-Change4))
>   ((32)               (d-Change5))
>   ((64)               (d-Change6))
>   ((1.0       )       (begin (d-Change0) (d-AddDot)))
>   ((2.0)      (begin (d-Change1) (d-AddDot)))
>   ((4.0)      (begin (d-Change2) (d-AddDot)))
>   ((8.0)      (begin (d-Change3) (d-AddDot)))
>   ((16.0)     (begin (d-Change4) (d-AddDot)))
>   ((32.0)     (begin (d-Change5) (d-AddDot)))
>   ((64.0)     (begin (d-Change6) (d-AddDot)))
>   (else    (display "Target duration not support"))
> )
> This scripts diminishes notes, but simply exchange "*" with "/" and you have 
> augmentation. 
> The use is very limited to common tasks currently. The problems:
> 1) It does not work for rests. This is easy, just change GetNoteDuration to 
> return values for rests instead of #f.
> The change commands work for rests.
> 2) This does only work for single notes. Of course the real benefit only 
> comes applying this to a selection. But I am still not sure if its job of the 
> script to see if its a selection or not. be honest, I AM quite sure 
> that this is not a script-job. Like I said any single-note script should be 
> applied for whole selections. Its maybe a problem because selections are 
> usually a mixed array of notes, rests and other commands, so scripts HAVE to 
> check if the current object can be used or not. Its not wise to trust in the 
> user only apply to scripts where its possible for single objects. For 
> multiple objects its not possible for the user.
The apply to selection command seems to be broken - it does some things but I 
am not sure what. This really needs fixing.

> 3) It only works for a certain range. If you try to augment a whole note it 
> just stays the same. Similar if you try to diminish(?) a 64 to a 128.
the augmenting the whole note could be worked around - insert a tied
whole note or do the \breve as a LilyPond and graphic override. (I still
didn't get to seeing if LilyPond has a way of handling these internally,
but I seem to recall that they have something for storing the duration
of a 5/4 measure...).

>  Both is possible in music, but not in Denemo. But the table can easily 
> adjusted if the Denemo range is extended.
> 3b) I am not sure if this is a bug or feature: Because of 2) its possible to 
> rhythmically "flatten" things. Especially if you think about selections: You 
> can bring the whole selection down to whole notes by using the script again 
> and again. 
> This is interesting, but maybe not desired or just another script. The script 
> could check if the current note/rest is an unusable one. Easy for single 
> notes, in fact this is already done, but in a selection you have to check all 
> notes before the first one gets transformed. Don't know how to do that.
we must get ApplyToSelection working...
> 4) Dotted notes. I think I have not done it correctly. You can see that I 
> test if a note is dotted through GetNoteDurations return value, which gives 
> 4. for a dotted quarter, which is transformed to 4.0 by string->number. Quite 
> a hack?
> However, this is of limited use because it justs work for single dotted notes 
> and not for more than one dot. 
> I think I have to convert the GetNoteDuration return value to a String-list 
> first and then check the number of dots.
yes, the other is just a fluke.
> 5) To make both augmentation and diminuation avaible I could just do two 
> redundant scripts with only * and / changed.
> Any suggestions how I can use one scripts for two different keypresses in 
> this case?
I think you can just pass * or / as an argument to the procedure.

> The point is that no user-interaction should be necessary. 
> I'm not sure if I was already told this, but how can a script access the name 
> it was invoked with?
It is stored in a global (? CurrentScript??? is it documented??)


>  The command name I give when I add this to a menu.
> Or is there another way?
> Maybe just do two scripts/commands but make the case-table avaible 
> denemo-wide.
> Nils
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