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Re: [directory-discuss] Game plan for 'bait and surrender' and 'freedom

From: David Hedlund
Subject: Re: [directory-discuss] Game plan for 'bait and surrender' and 'freedom betrayed' packages in the directory
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:31:26 +0100
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On 2016-11-19 11:41, Adonay Felipe Nogueira wrote:
Nowadays, I vote for "non-(free/libre) crippleware" (because "crippleware" can
also exist in cases where the crippleware is also non-(free/libre)).

Some time ago, I wrote some observations on the subject, they're
documented in the Requirements' "Discussion" page, see
<>. Feel
free to use such observations as reference or even adapt them.

I moved the content to

Thank you very much!

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