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gr-fosphor on AMD RX 550

From: Johannes Demel
Subject: gr-fosphor on AMD RX 550
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:30:28 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.4.1

Hi all,

We have some new AMD machines with RX 550 graphics. I want to run gr-fosphor on them. So far I've failed to make it work.

It's an AMD system with RX 550 and Ubuntu 18.04 with amdgpu open source drivers. I work with GR 3.8-master (or `4f53ac5a76e3ab05960a81905a570cd74d2708d7`

Since it was quite tricky for me to install OpenCL and make gr-fosphor find it, I just document my workflow really quick.

I found this website:

First, I went to amd.com and got the drivers for my GPU:

Then I ran:
./amdgpu-pro-install --opencl=legacy,pal
This does only install OpenCL

Further, I had to install these packages on Ubuntu:

Also, `clinfo` was useful because it gives you some info about your system.

So finally, I could compile and install `gr-fosphor`. It appears in GRC and I can plug the block (Qt version) in a flowgraph.

But if I run this flowgraph, I get the following error:
[!] gl_cmap shader compilation failed (cmap_simple.glsl)
[w] Color map shader 'simple' failed to load, will use fallback
[!] gl_cmap shader compile log :

[!] gl_cmap shader compilation failed (cmap_bicubic.glsl)
[w] Color map shader 'bicubic' failed to load, will use fallback
[!] gl_cmap shader compile log :

[!] gl_cmap shader compilation failed (cmap_fallback.glsl)
[!] Color map shader 'fallback' failed, aborting
gr::log :ERROR: qt_sink_c0 - Failed to initialize fosphor

I have no idea why and so far googling brought me to some macports threads that were related to Intel GPUs on MacOS.

Did someone already succeed with gr-fosphor on this hardware? Do I have suitable hardware? Did I fail the installation process somewhere? Do I need to provide additional info?


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