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Re: NSBundle -pathForResource: ofType:

From: Helge Hess
Subject: Re: NSBundle -pathForResource: ofType:
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 19:03:28 +0100


I wondered about that some time ago. I think it indeed changed (and I
think I changed libFoundation to do it the MacOSX way) !

First one does need to understand that having non-localized and
localized resources with the same name doesn't make a lot of sense !
Either a resource is localized or not, the fallback needs to be another
localized variant, not a non-localized one.

If this can be assumed the new behaviour is a significant optimization.
Lookup of non-localized resources is much faster since the filesystem
doesn't need to be scanned for each language first.

Does that make sense ? ;-)


Jonathan Gapen wrote:
>     I just noticed a fun contradiction between OPENSTEP 4.2 and MacOS
> X.  According to the OPENSTEP 4.2 documentation, NSBundle's
> -pathForResource: ofType: "first looks for the resource in the
> language-specific ``.lproj'' directory [...]; if the resource is not
> there, it looks for a non-localized resource in the immediate bundle
> directory."  Apple's MacOS X documentation says the method "first looks
> for a non-localized resource in the immediate bundle directory; if the
> resource is not there, it looks for the resource in the
> language-specific ``.lproj'' directory [...]."
>     Not only is this an incompatibility between OPENSTEP and MacOS X,
> it's a pretty boneheaded change, IMHO.  Is this actual MacOS X behavior,
> or a documentation flaw?
> --
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