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Re: Look & feel, future plans

From: Damian Steer
Subject: Re: Look & feel, future plans
Date: 08 May 2002 12:43:45 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Civil Service)

"Bissell, Tim" <Tim.Bissell@DRKW.com> writes:

> Modal Sheets replacing dialog boxes - a Bad Thing - you cannot
>    drag them out of the way to see what's underneath - translucency
>    does not always help.

Hmm. I think almost always a good thing - keeps dialogs with parents,
doesn't block other app windows etc. However they can be abused, I
guess. I certainly wouldn't use them for image manipulation, for

You didn't mention NSToolbar. I find it slightly clunky (as a
programmer) but undoubtedly a useful UI element. Together with drawers
even dodgy apps like mine look polished and easy to use - with little
effort on my side :-)


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