On Wed, 8 May 2002, Ian Jones wrote:
There is / was a patch for Mac style menus:
I found the idea very neat when I saw it a while back. I actually find the
behaviour of the NeXT style menus a little annoying when you have a lot of
applications, often find myself chasing menus or them just poping up in my way
when I just want to move an app window. At least with the Mac style menu it is
always in one place. I heard the argument about having to trail across a lot of
screen space to get to your menu compared to NeXT style, but that depends where
you leaft the menu the last time you opened the app. Having to trail across you
desktop is simply a failure to provide adequate key bindings nothing more IMHO.
Well, you don't have to move the menus to somewhere else if you do not want to.