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Re: recent spam increase?

From: David Wetzel
Subject: Re: recent spam increase?
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 17:05:39 +0000

Chris B. Vetter wrote:

> I subscribed using my private (silly, I know) mail account, but can't
> use it for sending, since reverse lookups fail -- hence I have to use
> a different mail account for that.

If reverse lookups fail, then your mail address is useless. You will find more 
and more mailservers that will refuse your mail. 
Get a real ISP if yours is not able to help.


   _  _
 _(_)(_)_  David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development,
(_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse 23, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG,
  _/  \_   Fax +49 33056 82835 Phone +49 33056 82834
 (______)  http://www.turbocat.de/  dave@turbocat.de

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