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Re: FOSDEM Booklet (Final)

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: FOSDEM Booklet (Final)
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 20:42:41 +0000

Le 18 févr. 05, à 20:03, Jesse Ross a écrit :

Hello all!

The final version of the FOSDEM 2005 booklet is now available at:

http://www.jesseross.com/clients/gnustep/fosdem/2005/ fosdem_booklet_02.pdf

Contrast has been increased (for better photocopying), some new fonts have
been chosen (to have a bit more of a NeXT look), and a few pieces of
content have been moved around. I hope everyone enjoys -- if not, harass
me more during the next promo piece :)

Looks very nice and clean, good work :-)

Just one remark: I still think the color used on the first page renders too dark when printed in black/white :-/

Now go spread the word at FOSDEM!!!

Actually, we have a -slight- problem >:-(
Is there somebody that actually can 1) print the booklets 2) bring them to the fosdem ??
Because I didn't read any proposal, and the fosdem is in 8 days now..

I should have perhaps tried to do it, as nobody seemed to be interested by investing a bit of time in that... but as I repeatly told it on the list, I doubt i'll be able to do it: I'm not at home at the moment, I'll come back just two days before taking my plane to go to the fosdem...

I'll try to photocopy a few brochures (the A4), but I'm not even sure I'll be able to do that.. So, if anybody can try to print a few booklets, go to see some print shop tomorrow... really, it would be helpful !!

MJ Ray: afaik, you're not coming to the fosdem, but could you somehow give to somebody that goes the remaining brochures of last year ?


Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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