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Fwd: Blit operation failed on MSWindows

From: Marc Brünink
Subject: Fwd: Blit operation failed on MSWindows
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 11:35:27 +0200

Once more for the list... *sigh*

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marc Brünink <mbruen@smartsoft.de>
Date: Do Jun 23, 2005  10:36:28 Europe/Berlin
To: Richard Frith-Macdonald <richard@brainstorm.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Blit operation failed on MSWindows

On Donnerstag, Jun 23, 2005, at 06:50 Europe/Berlin, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 2005-06-23 01:59:10 +0100 Fred Kiefer <fredkiefer@gmx.de> wrote:

Marc Brünink wrote:

On Dienstag, Jun 21, 2005, at 21:29 Europe/Berlin, Marc Brünink wrote:
on my Windows 2000 machine I'm getting
"Blit operation failed 87"
while an application is started up.

so I logged some of the parameters:
x:8, y:8 rectFrom.right:48 rectFrom.left:0 rectFrom.top:0 h:48

I guess these parameters are okay. But the AlphaBlend(..) Funktion
return FALSE. So what's going wrong?

Actually this occurs while loading the tab images.

It all comes down to
Simply comment this line out (in WIN32GState.m) and the tab images are

Actually this line was commented out in version 1.18 of WIN32GState.m,
but changed in version 1.19
Was it intent?

This change surely was intentional, as Richard only did switch alpha
blending on, when he got it working.

Yes ... but not necessarily correct everywhere ... just in the code I tested ... mostly I was running Gorm as a test application.

Also, I was testing on Windows-XP ...

When I was trawling the net for info on windows transparency, I came across stuff saying that older (but quite recent) versions of windows didn't support it, so I suppose that it's possible that Windows 2000 doesn't ... in which case I guess we need to work out autoconf stuff to determine the windows version and enable/disable it accordingly.

If I trust
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/gdi/ bitmaps_6ig4.asp AlphaBlend should work since Windows 98. Further I've a Windows 2000 SP4 machine on which AlphaBlend seems to work. At least the tab images are shown. But I also have a Windows 2000 SP4 machine on which the AlphaBlend function returns the error described above. Perhaps it's a hardware issue???


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