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Re: GDNC error...

From: Nicault Daniel
Subject: Re: GDNC error...
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 17:06:32 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051013)

Nicault Daniel a écrit :

Hi all,

I Got this message when I run numbers of Apps:

root      8596     1  0 08:53 tty5     00:00:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty5

When I do a "ps -ef" command I can see:

iel 8092 1 0 08:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Tools/gdnc --daemon

Can you help me?


Oups! I omit to mension the error :-[
When running some apps like ProjetcCenter I got this:
" Critical error In ...ProjectCenter....
NsInternalInconsistencyException: unable to contact GDNC server, Please check that the gdnc process is running."

After ignore this alert dialog, ProjectCenter, or other apps, run correctly...

And as you cans see in this post the process is running...

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