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Re: arch repositories missing

From: Maurizio Boriani
Subject: Re: arch repositories missing
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 12:57:00 +0100

On 2006-02-14 02:22:03 +0100 Yen-Ju Chen <yjchenx@gmail.com> wrote:

  If all the dependencies are ready,
  it is very straight to install GNUstep from source.
  I use Ubuntu and here is the dependency you can installed from
Ubuntu packages:

I've packaged most of gnustep sw on sourcemace[0] (a source builded
distribution) using deps and some other nice things. If you want to have it a try you should use at least the test grimoire (will be declared stable in a
couple of months)


[0] http://www.sourcemage.org

Maurizio Boriani
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