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Re: GNUstep in DarwinPorts

From: hns
Subject: Re: GNUstep in DarwinPorts
Date: 1 May 2006 12:29:10 -0700
User-agent: G2/0.2

> A whole new set of GNUstep ports is now available for MacOSX through
> DarwinPorts
> Everything is built with gcc 4.1 and ports include GWorkspace, Gorm
> and ProjectCenter
> more coming soon.


I have not tried myself, but here are general instructions (not every
Mac user is familiar with DarwinPorts):

1) download and install DarwinPorts from

2) open a Terminal

3) type "/opt/local/bin/port search GNUstep"

Result should look like:

hns$ /opt/local/bin/port search GNUstep
gnustep-make    devel/gnustep-make      1.11.0          GNUstep
makefile package
gnustep-base    lang/gnustep-base       1.11.0          A library of
general-purpose Objective C objects.
gnustep-gui     lang/gnustep-gui        0.10.0          A library of
graphical user interface Objective C classes
gnustep-back    x11/gnustep-back        0.10.0          A back-end
component for the GNUstep GUI Library.

4) type "sudo /opt/local/bin/port install GNUstep"

This probably takes a lot of time...

Somebody might comment on how to finally launch it.

-- hns

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