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Re: zero padding numbers

From: Graham J Lee
Subject: Re: zero padding numbers
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 22:54:03 +0000

On 18 Nov 2006, at 18:26, Graham J Lee wrote:

On 18 Nov 2006, at 17:11, tgate wrote:

I didn't realize that, thank you. Will this work in a non-gui situation as well? I have a command line tool where I submit start and end frames as an argument but internally I want to pad them out. It doesn't seem that the NSNumber class has a setFormatter: method however.

No, it doesn't. In the case of Cocoa you would use NSNumberFormatter's:
-(NSString *)stringFromNumber:(NSNumber *)aNumber
or in gnustep-base you could call -(NSString *)stringForObjectValue: (id)obj but until NSNumberFormatter is fully implemented in gnustep- base that's kindof academic ;-)

I've got a few hours tomorrow, I'd like to have some go at implementing -stringForObjectValue:


Graham J Lee

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