On 18 Nov 2006, at 06:52, tgate wrote:
I notice that in Cocoa the NSNumberFormatter class has a method
for setting a "pad" so that numbers like "12" can look like "0012"
after formating. This seems to be missing from the GNUstep
version and I'm wondering if there is another way people tend to
do this. If I want to read a series of images uploaded form a
camera the zero-pad is very helpful.
If you mean -paddingCharacter and -setPaddingCharacter: these are
only available with NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4 and GNUstep's
NSNumberFormatter doesn't implement that behaviour at all. However
you can do what you want in the 'original' NSNumberFormatter anyway:
NSNumberFormatter *fmt=[[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]
[fmt setFormat:@"0000"];
[[textField cell] setFormatter:fmt];