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Re: Installing back (Local <-> System)

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Installing back (Local <-> System)
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 01:17:10 +0100 (CET)

> Here are my results:
> bash-3.00# svn co http://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/tools/make/trunk/make
> Checked out revision 24157.
> cd make
> bash-3.00# make install

What about './configure' ?  You must have run './configure', else 'make'
would have failed because there is no makefile!  (lots of other hints
in the following logs that you are using an old system and just doing
a cursory rebuild)

You ought to start everything again completely from scratch! ;-)


 mv /opt/GNUstep /opt/GNUstep.old

and then do a 'make distclean' in every directory before rebuilding
(or even checkout subversion from scratch).

That works for me, but if it still doesn't work for you, please use

 make messages=yes install

when building back, and send me the logs. ;-)

After I install properly, openapp TextEdit works for me ...

[nicola@nicola-laptop ~]$ openapp TextEdit
Can't find the required application: TextEdit.app!
[nicola@nicola-laptop ~]$

But if it doesn't work for you after you upgrade everything from scratch,
please let me know I'll tell you how to gather more information on the
problem. ;-)


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